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Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative

Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative Lineman Jobs



Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen

Current Lineman Openings:


Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative is hiring lineman. SVEC will provide a safe working environment for all of its employees. SVEC will strive to educate and inform members of the direction and activities of the cooperative and SVEC will provide its members with reliable electric service.

Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative Lineman Pay and Salary Information

The average annual pay for a Lineman salary in Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative is $37,742 a year. Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative offers health insurance program.

Lineman Apprenticeships at Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative

Lineworker apprentices at Suwannee Valley perform preparation tasks, including digging holes or trenches, installing anchors, climbing poles, and using equipment like digger derricks, aerial lifts, pulling and tensioning equipment, forklifts, and dump trucks. Constructs, maintains, and repairs overhead and underground transmission lines.

Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative Journeyman Lineman Jobs

Journeyman lineman at Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative Operation of the Geographic Information System, Maintaining the land base and utility facilities in the GIS, Maintaining all electric distribution system operations data, Providing mapping updates to Cooperative personnel and Performing quality control procedures to ensure data accuracy.

Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative Lineman Job Hiring Process

Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative Lineman required High school diploma, 1 years of working experience and driver license.

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