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Details about Coastal Pines Technical College Lineman Program
The Electrical Lineworker certificate program provides students with the necessary knowledge and skill to gain employment as an entry-level lineworker with electrical utility companies, both public and private. Topics include lineworker organization principles, lineworker workplace skills, lineworker automations skills, and lineworker occupational skills.
Lineman Job Opportunities for Graduates from Coastal Pines Technical College Lineman Program
This is an affordable program in a location with strong employment demand.
Companies hiring entry level line workers from Coastal Pines Technical College Lineman Program
Southern Company
How long does Coastal Pines Technical College Lineman Program take?
One Year
How to get into Coastal Pines Technical College Lineman Program
High School Diploma GED, Driving license, 18 years of age
2024 Enrollment


Housing Available?

Boots/Tools Included?
Coastal Pines Technical College Lineman Program
Waycross is the county seat of and incorporated city in Ware County.

Lineman Central data is provided from a combination of program information submissions, industry reports, surveys, and other publicly available data. Program information may periodically need to be updated and we do not claim 100% annual accuracy.

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Coastal Pines Technical College Lineman Program