Valley Electric Association Lineman Jobs
Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen
Current Lineman Openings:
Valley Electric Association is hiring lineman. Valley's service area covers more than 6,800 square miles of rural Nevada and parts of California and includes 24,000 meters with 2,200 miles of distribution and 360 miles of transmission lines. VCA is able to provide the fastest, most reliable Internet service. Valley Electric Association's long-term goal is to position VCA, a wholly owned subsidiary of VEA, to work with other Co-ops in Nevada to bring high-speed communications to the rural areas of the state.
Valley Electric Association Lineman Pay and Salary Information
The estimated total pay for a Lineman at Valley Electric Association is $58,740 per year. Valley Electric Association has a strong health insurance program.
Lineman Apprenticeships at Valley Electric Association
Climb poles to change insulators, lay-up wire, and sag wire; install and retire poles.
Operate digger trucks, bucket trucks and pick-up trucks, and including all equipment on each vehicle, such as diggers and buckets.Assist in the safety program and in maintaining adherence to accepted safety practices. Coordinate with Warehouse Helpers and Warehouse/Plant Maintenance Foreman the acquisition and disposition of materials used for construction, operation and maintenance of the electric system.
Valley Electric Association Journeyman Lineman Jobs
Journeyman lineman at Valley Electric Association Additionally, a lineman digs trenches for the installation of underground lines, install meters, climb poles to repair overhead lines and inspect power lines for possible repair or replacement.
Valley Electric Association Lineman Job Hiring Process
A Lineman at Valley Electric Association must have the safety information, clothing dress, tools gear and work at heights.
Recruiter at Valley Electric Association?
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Lineman Central is the leading portal for connecting with lineman apprenticeship programs, technical schools and work opportunities. The demand for lineman is expected to climb by 8.5% by the year 2026. Each month we help hundreds of line workers find their next job across the country. Interested in hiring the best workers close to you?