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Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative

Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative Lineman Jobs



Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen

Current Lineman Openings:


Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative is hiring lineman. The communities that Alaska Village Electric Cooperative serves receive power via small, isolated grids that utilize diesel generation and renewable sources. AVEC serves the rural Alaska communities with 11,513 meters, 515 miles of distribution line. Join a member-driven generation and distribution utility serving residents in 58 locations throughout rural Alaska with its headquarters in Anchorage, AK.

Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative Lineman Pay and Salary Information

Lineman at Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative with zero to five years of experience will earn an average yearly salary of $62,750. Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative provide two different health insurance plans, vision, dental, and life insurance.

Lineman Apprenticeships at Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative

As a Groundman/ Apprentice Lineman at Alaska Villages Electric Coop you will assist and learn under a Journeyman Lineman in Building and Maintaining Powerlines for various Utility Contractors. This Job also consists of working sometimes in inclement weather such as Hurricanes, Snow Storms, Tornadoes, Hard Freezes, & Fires.

Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative Journeyman Lineman Jobs

Journeyman lineman at Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative Install and retire power distribution systems. Corrects operational problems and performs preventive maintenance and repair on distribution systems, diesel plants and on/off road mobile equipment used to support AVEC projects (if possible) while on construction projects or as assigned.

Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative Lineman Job Hiring Process

To become a lineman at Alaska Villages Electric Cooperative need To be at least 18 years of age. High school diploma or equivalent and To be insurable by the Cooperative's insurance company at standard rates and individual must be willing to consent to release of information regarding their driving record on an annual basis.

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