Douglas County Public Utility District Lineman Jobs
Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen
Current Lineman Openings:
Douglas County Public Utility District is hiring lineman. Douglas County Public Utility District No 1 provides clean, efficient, reliable and renewable hydroelectric power in the northwest. The 840 megawatt facility produces some of the lowest cost power in the United States. The Wells project, operated by Douglas County PUD, boasts the most effective juvenile fish by-pass on the Columbia River, and its operation funds several salmon and steelhead hatcheries.
Douglas County Public Utility District Lineman Pay and Salary Information
The lineman's pay at Douglas County Public Utility District range anywhere from $72,373 to $79,449 per year, with an average of $77,513 per year. Douglas County Public Utility District offer Competitive salary and benefits; Medical, dental, and vision insurance; Life insurance; Short and long term.
Lineman Apprenticeships at Douglas County Public Utility District
Lineworker apprentices at Douglas County Utility will experience with both sticking and gloving methods of work Apprentices will learn all aspects of Line work while completing on the job training (OJT) hours. Assist in the construction of new overhead and underground services and service upgrades. Operate heavy and light equipment including digger derricks, aerial lift devices, pulling and tensioning equipment, forklifts, dump trucks and various dirt equipment. Apprentice must, at all times, follow all safety policies and procedures
Douglas County Public Utility District Journeyman Lineman Jobs
Journeyman lineman at Douglas County Public Utility District Receives and processes orders via CAD, Performs water and gas off orders, Performs "basic" water and gas functions (i.e. meter verifications, ERTs, paints, removals (water), Performs the necessary paperwork in connection with assigned duties and Operates a truck in a safe and efficient manner in accordance with the Utility's safety policies and practices, and with local and state laws and regulations.
Douglas County Public Utility District Lineman Job Hiring Process
To become a Lineman at Douglas County Public Utility District required Digging trenches or climbing poles to repair or maintain underground and overhead electrical cables.
Recruiter at Douglas County Public Utility District?
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