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Hunter Fiber

Hunter Fiber Lineman Jobs



Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen

Current Lineman Openings:


Hunter Fiber is hiring lineman. Hunter Communications, a Southern Oregon based Telecommunications Company, CLEC and ISP, was founded in 1992, providing service for local area networks, wide area networks and everything in between. In 2000, Hunter started building an all-fiber network throughout Medford with the vision of a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) in rural Southern Oregon.

Hunter Fiber Lineman Pay and Salary Information

Average salary for a Lineman at Hunter Fiber is $44,264 per year. Hunter Fiber offers medical, dental, vision, and life insurance.

Lineman Apprenticeships at Hunter Fiber

Linework apprentices at Hunter Fiber must climb poles and work on simple low-voltage equipment. Mounts crossarms and related equipment on poles, pulls wire, and splices and dead-ends wire. Installs guys and pole supports. Sags spans of wire and ties wire to insulators with tie wires. Assists, as directed, in the mounting, installation, connection, and removal of such equipment as transformers, cutouts, lightning arresters, capacitors, and voltage regulators. Becomes proficient at secondary and primary terminations on URD equipment, i.e., elbows, terminators, and risers.

Hunter Fiber Journeyman Lineman Jobs

Journeyman lineman at Hunter Fiber perform tasks associated with the electronic upgrade and splicing of fiber. You will test, activate, and troubleshoot equipment after installation. You will self-supervise all operations to ensure that all splicing operations are completed in accordance with customer and industry specifications.

Hunter Fiber Lineman Job Hiring Process

A Lineman at Hunter Fiber must have a valid driver's license with a minimum of 2 years driving experience and have a high school diploma or GED equivalent.

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