Indianapolis Power & Light Lineman Jobs
Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen
Current Lineman Openings:
Indianapolis Power & Light is hiring lineman. Indianapolis Power & Light Company, is an American utility company providing electric service to the city of Indianapolis. It is a subsidiary and largest utility of AES Corporation, which acquired it in 2001. provides electric service to more than 470,000 customers. Indianapolis Power & Light is the owner and operator of the Petersburg Generating Station.
Indianapolis Power & Light Lineman Pay and Salary Information
The average annual pay for lineman at Indianapolis Power & Light is $81,361 a year. Indianapolis Power & Light provides certain retiree health insurance.
Lineman Apprenticeships at Indianapolis Power & Light
Lineman apprentices at Indy Power will be responsible for construction, maintenance and operations. Use shovels, sledge hammers and 90 lb jack hammers. Perform aerial work in a safety belt in a safe and efficient manner
Indianapolis Power & Light Journeyman Lineman Jobs
Journeyman lineman at Indianapolis Power & Light Promoting a safe working environment by using required PPE, following company safe work practices and setting the tone for a safe work environment Installing, repairing, and maintaining overhead and underground electrical cables Setting poles and anchors, installing transformers, insulators, and other components Inspecting, repairing, replacing.
Indianapolis Power & Light Lineman Job Hiring Process
A Lineman at Indianapolis Power & Light Experience with firewalls, Internet VPN’s remote implementation, troubleshooting, and problem resolution is desired and Hands on experience in networking, routing and switching.
Recruiter at Indianapolis Power & Light?
Company profiles on Lineman Central are updated annual through our nationwide survey and data collection process with the support of 10,000 line workers in transmission and distribution. If you see something out of date, please let us know.
Lineman Central is the leading portal for connecting with lineman apprenticeship programs, technical schools and work opportunities. The demand for lineman is expected to climb by 8.5% by the year 2026. Each month we help hundreds of line workers find their next job across the country. Interested in hiring the best workers close to you?