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Intermountain Power Agency

Intermountain Power Agency Lineman Jobs



Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen

Current Lineman Openings:


Intermountain Power Agency is hiring lineman. The STS extends approximately 490 miles from the Generation Station to Adelanto, California with an alternating current/direct current converter station at each end. The three main components of the Project are located primarily in Utah and California. The Generation Station is located near Lynndyl, Millard County, Utah.

Intermountain Power Agency Lineman Pay and Salary Information

The average annual Lineman salary at Intermountain Power Agency is $56208.

Lineman Apprenticeships at Intermountain Power Agency

The lineworker apprentice at Intermountain Power Agency is responsible for a variety of tasks and accepts assignments from Line Supervisor on shift and shall be assigned to work directly with a 1st Class Lineman. Learns to perform those tasks required in the construction, maintenance or operation of electrical power transmission and distribution facilities. Lineman Apprentice I shall be assigned to a Line Supervisor on 1 of 4 rotating shift schedule: midnight to 08:00 a.m.; 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.; and 04:00 p.m. to midnight and a swing-shift.

Intermountain Power Agency Journeyman Lineman Jobs

Journeyman lineman at Intermountain Power Agency Constructs, tests, maintains, removes, repairs, and operates the underground and overhead distribution system. Performs all electrical and non- electrical related duties. Does substation work requiring the skills and knowledge of a Journeyman Lineman. Performs all work in a safe manner and in accordance with the Company’s established safety rules and guidelines

Intermountain Power Agency Lineman Job Hiring Process

Lineman required at Intermountain Power Agency having a valid commercial driver's license (CDL), first aid certification, competency in CPR and pole top rescue.

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Recruiter at Intermountain Power Agency?

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