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South Carolina Electric & Gas Company

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Lineman Jobs


South Carolina

Hiring: Groundmen, Apprentices, and Journeymen

Current Lineman Openings:


South Carolina Electric & Gas Company is hiring lineman. Dominion Energy South Carolina generates and supplies electricity and natural gas services to South Carolina businesses and residents.

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Lineman Pay and Salary Information

Annual pay for a Power Lineman in South Carolina Electric & Gas Company is $73,367 a year. South Carolina Electric & Gas benefits and perks, Providing insurance benefits and retirement benefits.

Lineman Apprenticeships at South Carolina Electric & Gas Company

Linework apprentices at South Carolina Electric must climb poles and work on simple low-voltage equipment. Mounts crossarms and related equipment on poles, pulls wire, and splices and dead-ends wire. Installs guys and pole supports. Sags spans of wire and ties wire to insulators with tie wires. Assists, as directed, in the mounting, installation, connection, and removal of such equipment as transformers, cutouts, lightning arresters, capacitors, and voltage regulators. Becomes proficient at secondary and primary terminations on URD equipment, i.e., elbows, terminators, and risers.

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Journeyman Lineman Jobs

Journeyman lineman at South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Know the tooling for line work and how to use, adjust and calibrate them. Know what safety equipment is used in line work and how to test and examine it before use.Know proper methods of safely splicing conduits and stubbing up pipe and wire in to enclosures

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Lineman Job Hiring Process

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company lineman required driver's license and work clothing, tools and gear and has High Voltage experience.

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