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Ibew 420
2024 Total Membership:
Our Local 420 was established in November 1937. We currently have 17 Assistant Business Agents helping to support our members. Local 420 was established by the first business manager Francis Scully in 1937. Mr Scully went door to door of employees houses asking if they would be willing to create a union. There was enough buy in and Local 420 was born. Local 420 currently represents approximately 700 working men and women in CT. Our workforce is on the properties of Connecticut Light and Power, GDF Suez, NRG Generation, and Yankee Gas with many active contracts. Our mission is to protect the rights and safety of all our workers throughout these various contracts and different work locations.
Common Employers of Linemen in this area
Eversource Energy
Ibew 420
Lineman Central data is provided from a combination of local union information submissions, industry reports, surveys, and other publicly available data. This resource is intended to help local unions provide basic information to linemen and we do not claim 100% annual accuracy. Lineman Central is not a union itself and this tool serves to connect resources.
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